Patties with hashish
4 cups sifted flour
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 / 2 cup butter
3 / 4 cup honey
4 eggs
Mix baking powder, salt and flour together in a saucepan, then add back the same eggs and honey. Knead dough with hands until it becomes elastic. Roll out the dough and cut circles with diameter of 3 inches. Now set aside the dough and make a stuffing.
1 / 2 cup honey whole nutmeg
1 / 8 ounce of powder hashish
1 cup sliced figs
1 / 2 cup walnuts
1 / 2 cup chopped dates
1 / 2 cup raisins
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon ginger
1 / 2 cup almonds
Nuts are not fried
Soup of hashish
3 eggs
2 ounces of sifted flour
1 / 2 cans of canned peas
1 / 2 cups chopped chicken liver
1 / 2 cup sliced onion
1 teaspoon powdered hashish
2 ounces fine noodles
4 tablespoons tomato paste
1 / 2 cup turnip
Take a large pot and pour it into 1 / 4 cup olive oil. There also put half a finely chopped onion, chicken liver and turnips. Simmer on low heat 1 / 2 hours. Add 1.5 pints of water, 3 tablespoons oil, 4 tablespoons of tomato paste, peas and noodles. Combine flour and a cup of water separately Stir pasta. Put the paste and powder of hashish in a saucepan. Add salt and pepper, cook for 15 minutes, stirring constantly. Once the soup is ready, add the eggs and at the same hour serve.
Chocolate Bananas with hashish
4 bananas
2 tsp powdered hashish
2 slices bacon
4 tablespoons burnt sugar
Cut the bananas, place in pan and fry until golden brown. But do not overcook. Simultaneously, in the same pan, fry bacon, it adds a unique color of bananas. Stir hashish with burnt sugar. Spread each slice of banana in bacon fat, obleyte mixture of burnt sugar and hashish.
Chocolate cakes with hashish
Put all ingredients in pan and mix with 1 / 2 cup water. Simmer until vegetables are not yet are soft and the water evaporates. Place the stuffing in the pan, add 3 tablespoons oil, preheat 5 miput. The filling is ready.
For each piece of dough, place 1 tablespoon filling. Shape patties desired
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
3 / 4 cup flour
1 cup sugar
3 ounces of chocolate without sugar
1 / 2 teaspoon baking powder
3 eggs
1 / 2 cup sweet butter
5 grams of powdered hashish
Soften together chocolate and butter, add sugar and hashish. Beat the mixture until the state of cream. Mix flour, baking powder and salt, add to first mixture. Form balls and bake for 30 minutes at 375 ^ C. After cooling, cut the brown balls into small slices and sprinkle with nuts.
Bon Appetit!